Elegance for the modern lady

8 Things Elegant Ladies Never Do in Public

Good Afternoon ladies!

It’s one thing to look elegant and classy but it’s another to behave like a classy woman, here are some things that a classy lady wouldn’t do!

(1) Be Loud

Talk loudly in public whether you are talking with someone or on the phone. It’s not etiquette to do, especially if it’s about private matters. A classy lady is aware of her surroundings.

(2) Chewing With Your Mouth Open

Chewing gum loudly anywhere. To be honest this is a pet peeve of mine. I’ll give you a little example, one evening me and my mentor went to watch a play and this lady sitting next to me was chewing so loudly I couldn’t hear what was going on in the play and it was very distracting and I was pretty frustrated because I couldn’t hear.

(3) Telling People She Is Going To The Bathroom

She never announces that she is going to the bathroom or the toilet!! She says, please excuse me I’ll be right back. And a classy lady never lets out bodily gases! She knows when her body needs to pass wind, and she goes to the bathroom!! And she also never picks her nose or blows her nose in front of people she goes to the bathroom to do that.

(4)No Touch Ups

A classy lady doesn’t touch up her makeup at the table. She goes to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

(5) Boundaries

She is also aware of personal space, when a classy lady is in line she is not too close to the person in front of her breathing down that persons neck, she knows that personal space is good public etiquette.

(6) Drama Queen

And a classy lady never starts drama or entertains drama. If she is out and about in public she is mindful of her body language and makes sure she does not have aggressive, body language.

(7) No Cracking

An elegant, classy lady doesn’t crack her knuckles or her neck it’s not good manners and it also grosses people out.

(8) Good Posture

An elegant lady is always making sure that she has good posture, having good posture helps boost your confidence and helps you to not feel so awkward when you are around people you may not know. If you are meeting a high caliber man for the first time.

One response to “8 Things Elegant Ladies Never Do in Public”

  1. Elizabeth Avatar

    I need to work on number 8

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