Elegance for the modern lady

How to be more feminine in 5 ways

Here are just a few ways to improve your feminine side. On your leveling-up journey, you’ll see that embracing your femininity and elegant side shows that you are a classy and timeless lady!

Good posture

Having good posture instantly elevate your physique and shows off your best feminine parts.

Talking Softly

Speaking softly shows that you are confident in the way you speak and shows that you have respect to who you are talking to. And an elegant lady does not swear or use curse words when she is talking, using curse words doesn’t add value to the conversation but devalues the conversation and yourself. Increase in your vocabulary by learning important words with more power goes a lot further than using curse words.

Being warm

A feminine woman is kind and welcoming. She is kind to all people. Here’s a little story last week I was at Starbucks and after the lady handed my drink I smiled and said thank you I hope you have a nice day. Her face lit up and she said awe thank you! You could see that just showing little bit of kindness made her day.

Being Patient

Having patients is something I have had to to work on over time to improve my feminine side. Working on having patients shows your feminine side because a feminine woman knows her value and doesn’t blow up and lose her cool or makes faces. She looks at what’s going on and assess through the situation to see what will the best solution.

Well groomed

Always making sure you have fresh clean clothes on. Making sure that you smell good everywhere, and that your hair isn’t dirty looking. Or you clothes don’t have wrinkles or stains in them. Your shoes don’t look dirty or all scratched up. Your jewelry matches when your outfit.

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