Elegance for the modern lady

How to be an elegant mom!

Growing up my mom was a classy lady! She inspired me to be the classy and elegant woman that I am today.

Wanting to know how you can be more of a classy and elegant mom then just keep on reading!

(1) Speaking

My mom always made sure to be on to me about watching how I talked to people. Making sure I was respectful to others. Something she taught me was you can still get your point across in a disagreement without being rude and hateful or even yelling. Classy moms know to speaks softly even she is frustrated. And that is something I am going to teach my children! A classy mom knows when to speak and when to just listen!

(2) Appearance

My mom showed me that keeping myself put together is important because people do judge your appearance. Whether you are going on a date or job interview and or trying to meet new people. Making sure your clothes are cleaned and that you have showered that day and your teeth are also brushed and that your hair looks nice.

(3) Gentle

To be classy is to be soft and gentle! You do not walk around stomping your feet or slamming doors shut. A classy woman is away carefully of how she walks or if she is closing something. My mom didn’t like slamming door’s around when she was mad, she won’t go in her room until she was calm and ready. She made sure me and my sisters didn’t slam doors because that wasn’t classy it was childish to do that. And she taught us to walk like a lady not stomping around when we walked because we are ladies and not like a cavemen.

(4) No drama

Classy moms are not about the drama life she is a peace keeper. She’s not going to the park gossiping with her mom friends or starting rumors. She’s talking about if her kid was on the honor roll or if she had a hard project at work that she accomplished or where her and her family are going on vacation.

(5) Being on time

Now I know being a mom is tough at times specially when trying to be somewhere on time!! But teaching your kids to be on time for things shows that time is important like going to school or having a job. And it also teaches them to respect others of their time too specially it comes to special events!

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