Elegance for the modern lady

Blog Posts

  • Elegant Hobbies

    Wondering what are some hobbies that elegant and affluent women have? In your leveling up journey you’ll see that some and a lot of women have these hobbies . Here are just to name few! The first elegant hobby and is my favorite one is tennis! Tennis is great form of exercise and you can…

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  • How to be more feminine in 5 ways

    Here are just a few ways to improve your feminine side. On your leveling-up journey, you’ll see that embracing your femininity and elegant side shows that you are a classy and timeless lady! Good posture Having good posture instantly elevate your physique and shows off your best feminine parts. Talking Softly Speaking softly shows that…

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  • Dining Etiquette 101

    (1) you should silence your phone after sitting down! (2) your handbag can go behind you on your seat. (3) having good posture at the dinner table is important, sit up straight. And have a few inches from your back to the seat. (4) when it’s okay to have your elbows on the table, before…

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  • How to be classy at home!

    One thing I’ll admit to doing, and I am working on is drinking water out of a glass instead of drinking it out of a plastic water bottle. Now Sarah does it matter if I do this? The answer is no but having some type of etiquette at home does say that I have a…

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