Elegance for the modern lady

Dining Etiquette 101

(1) you should silence your phone after sitting down!

(2) your handbag can go behind you on your seat.

(3) having good posture at the dinner table is important, sit up straight. And have a few inches from your back to the seat.

(4) when it’s okay to have your elbows on the table, before the meal or between courses. However, you can have your hands resting on the table when taking a break from eating.

(5) always put your napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down in your seat.

(6) you want to know your table setting. Like knowing the water glass from the wine glass. The water glass gets filled before you order anything, the wine glass will get filled when you give the waiter your drink order. Then your butter dish and butter knife will be in front of your dinner plate. Now when using the silverware you start from the outside and work your way inside.

(7) how to eat the bread properly! When taking the bread you break off a bite size piece and put a little bit of butter on it. You don’t take the whole piece of bread and butter it like a sandwich, or dip it in the butter

(8) after paying the bill you put your napkin on the side of the table then you leave.

(9) it’s always good etiquette that next day that you send a host a thank you note, or if you loved the dinner would send flowers! To the host by doing that you are showing appreciation and that will go along way especially in the future!

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