Elegance for the modern lady

Look for a high Caliber man

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Before I met my now husband I have been on enough dates with guys to know what I really wanted in a man! And how I wanted to be treated as a woman! I want to share some of my red flags and little bit of dating advice I have learned and received from other married women! I want to share this information with you because I want to help women to not get hurt and waste their time on a low quality man, and help you look for high caliber man.

What is a high caliber man? A high caliber man is smart, knows what he wants, and doesn’t play games for it! He is respectful, caring and generous! Him being generous doesn’t mean he has to be wealthy, he could be generous with his time. Ladies your time is very important a high caliber man knows that time is very valuable and important! Ladies you don’t what a man to waste your time.

🚩 The first red flag going 50/50 on the first date

🚩 If he is only calling or texting once a week or every two weeks

🚩 If he’s making life decisions without talking to you or telling you!

🚩 Not on the same goals as you!

🚩 Having a female best friend

🚩 Joking they will hurt you or kill you!

Those were my top six red flags now why are these my top six is because I have ignored them and paid the consequences of them! When you are on a first date and he’s having you go 50/50 is because you have said or did something that he does not like and mostly does not want to go out with you again or he did not know it was supposed to be a date.

If a man is only texting you once or twice a week he probably only sees you as a friend or a booty call. Because if a man really likes you he’s going to text you multiple times a day! To show you that he’s really into you. And if a man really really likes you he will make sure he talks to you everyday

Now this one is more serious because if a man is planning on making a career change or moving to a different state/city then he’s not thinking about making you a part of his life!

Not having the same goals isn’t always a bad thing or a red flag because sometimes some people don’t like making goals like you want to run a marathon every year but when you want to get married and he does not want to get married then it’s a red flag because he knows he does not want to marry you and is hard to believe but a man knows very quickly if that is what he wants.

Here are few signs he might be a cheater

These are few things I have learned in my years of dating! Now what I’m about to say doesn’t mean they are a cheater these are just my experiences I have gone through. And you might want to question some of these thing’s to see if this relationship is going to work out

  • If you start to feel him pull away emotionally and romantically away from you!
  • Always on his phone. On his phone when you two are on a date or he’s on it when it’s supposed to be family time and will not let you touch it!!
  • Random arguments that don’t make any sense to why you guys are arguing or everything you do bothers him. And he has to leave for a little bit or when you two are on a date and out of nowhere he gets upset and explodes and you guys leave/he leaves you on the date. Because he has to see her.
  • Not having or wanting any pictures of you on his social media.
  • He’s too busy to have time with you to plan a date or to just spend time with you.
  • Changing how they look or dressing to impress when leaving the house not with you.

If he loves you

  • He will make you feel beautiful, and not less than!
  • He will listen to your needs.
  • He will always make time for you!
  • He will show you off and not hide you!!!
  • He will be affectionate towards you!
  • He will check in on you!

Here are a few good books to read

We need to have boundaries in our dating lifes! They helps us to keep our relationship healthy and successful.

Relationship Goals breaks down what the difference between dating versus marriage https://amzn.to/3zMonM3

Lady in waiting is a book that helps you look at yourself to see if you are ready for marriage, and where you need to do self improvement! Because marriage is wonderful when two people have worked towards wholeness! Wholeness is never ending journey because no one is perfect!


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